Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sewing with Sewing Hands

The girls just finished four weeks of sewing, completing enough squares to make two quilts! Under the direction of Ms. Debbie Nichols, the girls designed their own squares, and then completed them. The quilts will go to children who attend a school in Appalachia, a poor area. The girsl were thrilled to help, enjoyed learning to sew!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Holy Land Experience was awesome!!

On Saturday, May 12th, 13 girls and 6 adults visited the Holy Land Experience in Orlando. The girls had earned money at their garage sale in November for the trip. However,we needed money for snacks and craft supplies all year and we ran a little short of what was needed for the trip. A very kind benefactor, and believer in Girls club and New Horizons, helped pay the way. It was well worth it!!! We all had a a very wonderful, spiritual time. Ms. Lu Burkell,a regular at Girls Club all year round, packed wonderful goodie bags for the girls, with pens, notebooks, game boards, cards, snacks and tissues. They kept the girls occupied a long time. A big thank you to Mary Anne Hopkins, and Olga Perez who have helped us all year, and to Luisa Cordova, our computer specialist from Super Kids Club. Thank you to Ellen Nichols for driving the bus for us. As much as they enjoyed the rock climbing, the Passion Play was their favorite part. They really enjoyed the Parables with Jesus, as Litzy Z., Emily, Angie and I (Ms Sally) played parts in the Good Samaritan and David and Goliath. It was a day to be surrounded by the life and love of Jesus. They were very proud of their custom designed t-shirts. In front of the Jerusalem temple. It was an awesome day to see the Bible come alive.

Monday, May 14, 2012

High Tea at Girls Club

On April 27th, seven ladies from North Naples United Methodist Church arrived at Rosemary Park Clubhouse armed wih teapots, tea sandwiches and sweets. Using a special electric tea kettle they prepared a variety of hot teas for the girls to sample. These ladies represented the Seasonal Circle of the United Methodist Women. Jackie Urquhart, Thelma Martin, Stella Murdoch, Eleanor Hammond, Carol Anfinson, Gloria Shiffer, and Shirley Sheffer prepared the tea and served it to the girls in grand style.
Stella Murdoch shared her mothers love of tea and teapots, including this one she purchased for her when she was a child. The girls were taught the proper way to make tea, always using boiling water and letting it "steep". The china cups and plates were just beautiful.
The girls enjoyed Stella's greandaughter Kate, who has inherited her grandmother and great grandmothers love of tea. It was a wonderful experience, and the girls jsut loved it. I think the ladies enjoyed it as well!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Dresses Are Finished!

The girls finished 14 dresses for Debbie Nichols and her Sewing Hands mission. This put her total to over 100 dresses. She hopes to complete 200 by May to send with Captain Bob Nichols when he travels to Ile La Vache, Haiti in May.

The girls had a great time. They loved running the machines! Many of the girls really enjoyed the sewing and are looking forward to another project. Maybe pillowcases next? For themselves or as another service project.

Ms. Debbie demonstrating how to cut a dress.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Girls begin a Sewing Project for Haiti Orphans

We just completed our second week of sewing dresses for orphans in Haiti. Ms. Debbie Nichols has started a project to make 200 dresses for orphans on Ile La Vache off the southern coast of Haiti. The plan is to send these dresses with Capt Bob Nichols when he returns in May. The Girls Club was excited to help, as they would learn to sew while making clothes for some very needy children.

Ms. Debbie came with all the materials and several ladies to help. Calling on our team of sewing ladies from last year, we added our team and some new friends from the Bonita Quilters. Twelve ladies came to sew the first week!

We thank Ms. Debbie Nichols for her wonderful organization, and her friends Lois Botkin and Peggy Simmons, and Lu Burkell, Sue Price, Mary Anne Hopkins and Carol Knowles from the last two years of Girls Club sewing. We were also very happy to have Jane Chopack a friend of Mary Anne's, and Susan Buckler, Pat Huisjen and Kathleen Morningstar from the Bonita Quilters. We can't wait to see the finished dresses!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wiggins Pass Swim and BBQ Day for Fifth Graders

On August 3rd, Ms Sally and Ms. Caitlin loaded seven 5th graders into their cars and headed for Wiggins Pass State Park. They all enjoyed a fun day swimming and floating on noodles, playing in the sand, eating watemelon, hot dogs and hamburgers, and S'MORES! What a great place to talk about God's creation and all the beauty around us, as well as His plan for each one of us.
Our graduating girls are Adaly Bautista, Jazlyn Nunez, Ana Chavez, Angela Juarez, Vanessa Martinez, Jennifer Maldonado, Elizabeth Angon, Isabel Arroyo and Emily Garcia.

We will miss them, and we will pray for them all going into sixth grade. We ask for your prayers as well

Jazlyn, Adaly, Angela and Vanessa have been attending Super Kids club after school tutoring since they were in Kindergarten!

I am glad we have a teen program right here in Rosemary Park that these girls will attend. What a blessing!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Girls visit the Holy Land Experience in Orlando

Sixteen girls made the trip to Orlando on May 14th, accompanied by Lu Burkell, Mary Ann Hopkins, Caitlin Roberts, Rosemary Luna and Sally Ritter. What a great time! Feeling like we had been transported back to old Jerusalem, we walked the dusty streets and enjoyed the drama unfolding all around us. Communion with Jesus was first, then time in the Smile of A Child area with rock climbing.

After checking out Jonah in the belly of the whale and Jesus walking on water, we headed over to a show about the angels in our lives.
The girls really enjoyed Parables with Jesus, where they had a chance to act out the Good Samaritan and the lost sheep.

The play about the four women who loved Jesus was spellbinding, as some favorite Bible stories came to life.
This was followed by the Passion Play, followed by Jesus in the second coming when he returns as conquerer. This was the most impactful play, and left us all emotionally touched.

What a fabulous day, topped off with a trip to McDonalds.
Praise God, we did it all for less than the $800 the girls raised at their yard sale!
Thank you Ms Lu and Ms Mary Ann for the goodie bags for the girls!